Welcome Address made at the Inauguration 8th Batch MBA programme, on 24th June 2013

Welcome Address made at the  Inauguration 8th Batch MBA programme, on 24th June 2013 by Professor Stanley George, Head of the Department, Marthoma College of Management  and Technology Perumbavoor
Hon’ble President of this meeting  Captain Verghese Kuruvila,  Hon'ble Chief Guest Shri P.C. Chacko, Member of Parliament, Shri T K Jose IAS, Chairman Coconut Development Board,  Dr. Rajan Varughese Director/Principle of Marthoma college of  Management and Technology, Rev T.S Philip, Vicar St. Paul’s Marthoma Church, Perumbavoor, Shri Thampy John, Treasurer MCMAT and Board of Governors, Distinguished Invitees, my Faculty Colleagues, Officers, Staff Members, dear Students, Ladies and Gentlemen:
I take this opportunity to extend you all a warm welcome to this Inaugural function of our two major events of the current academic year of Marthoma College of Management and Technology. First, the Inauguration of 8th Batch of MBA Programme, second, the inauguration of MCMAT Management Orientation Programme 2013.
Today, a fresh batch of students is starting their Two year MBA programme at MCMAT. First of all… on behalf of our entire MCMAT family I extend our best wishes and sincere prayers for their successful completion of their MBA programme from this Institute. Dear Students, we hope all of you will enjoy, and find fulfillment in your studies, deepen your understanding in management during your stay for next two years at MCMAT campus, which will definitely transform you into innovative, disciplined and insightful leaders who can change the world.
 With timeless wisdom, Solomon, the seer, once observed: "Where there is no vision, the people perish." MCMATian dream stems from the great Vision of Marthoma Syrian Church of Malabar. Our dream is to see each one of you emerge as a creator, a leader and a maker of history. Accordingly, we have planned our two year MBA programme with rigorous academic study and hundreds of activities which includes, International conferences and workshops, International joint academic programmes with Bellarmine university, USA, National level debates, and continuous interactions with leaders from various industries throughout the MBA programme. MCMAT Management Orientation Programme is our flagship event of an academic year. More than 45 top level managers and influencers from leading corporate and renowned academicians will address our fresh MBA students in this month long event, which is very unique about MCMAT. The dedication and restless efforts of entire MACMATians, helps to maintain our position as one among the top 5 B schools in Kerala in all surveys by leading rating agencies in India for the last 3 consecutive years. But it is never enough and here at MCMAT we are conscious that we can never rest on our laurels. We are conscious that we must never let our history to dictate our future direction of travel.
Now, let me get into the duty which is entrusted on me to welcome you all.
 It is indeed a great honour for all of us to have in our midst, Shri P.C Chacko, Member of Parliament, a National leader and an administrator of eminence. Despite his very demanding commitments, has found time to be here with us today. He is the chairman of Joint parliamentary committee to probe the alleged scam in the grant of 2G spectrum and telecom license from 1998 to 2009. He is the Official spokesperson of All India Congress Committee. There is lot more to say about the assignments he is handling and his contributions but time won't permit me to do that. However, I would definitely like to mention one thing about Shri P.C Chacko, that he is known for his landmark contributions in any assignment that he has handled so far.
 Sir, it is a matter of great joy and privilege for all of us here at MCMAT that you have accepted our invitation to inaugurate our 8th Batch of MBA programme today.
I, on behalf of the entire MCMAT community, and on my personal behalf, extend to you, a very warm and cordial welcome to this programme.
We are really very fortunate to have Shri T K Jose IAS Chairman, Coconut Development Board, for Inauguration of our Management Orientation Programme and to deliver the Key note address in this meeting. Shri T K Jose IAS was appointed in 1988 to the Indian Administrative Services. He is a seasoned bureaucrat who has served in various ministries with various responsibilities ranging from Executive Director of Kudumbashree., Secretary to Government, Collector & Magistrate, Malappuram and Idukki districts are to name a very few. In spite of his very busy schedule he found some time to be here with us today and his presence is a crown demonstration of the profound interest of his industry to move hand in hand with academia in a mutually beneficial model.
 We would like to take this opportunity to express our hearty welcome, on behalf of the entire MCMAT community and my personal behalf, to Shri T K Jose IAS for honoring our invitation to inaugurate MCMAT Management Orientation Programme and to deliver the Keynote address.
 We are highly privileged and honored to have Captain Verghese Kuruvila, Member of our Esteemed Governing Council for presiding the function. Here at MCMAT, we are blessed to have his continuous guidance and support in spite of his busy schedules. Sir, your presence on this occasion itself is a great source of encouragement to all of us.  On behalf of entire MCMAT family, I extend a very warm welcome to Captain Varghese Kuruvila, to this function.
     We are really very fortunate to have as our Director and Principal, Dr. Rajan Varghese a highly distinguished academician, and visionary has always found time to look into every minute matters related to the growth of our college. Sir, it is a matter of great joy and satisfaction for all of us that you are guiding the destiny of this Institute. On behalf of entire MCMAT family, I extend a very warm welcome to our dear Director, Dr. Rajan Varghese, to this function.
A warm welcome to Rev T.S Philip, Vicar St. Paul’s Marthoma Church, Perumbavoor, who is always supportive and a source of inspiration and guidance for all of us at MCMAT, we thank him for accepting to grace this function and I extend a very warm welcome to Rev. T S Philip to this function.
Hearty welcome to Shri. Thampy John, our Treasure for accepting our invitation to be with us today and to offer felicitation. As MCMAT family member, he is always with us as a friend, philosopher and guide. I extend a very warm welcome to our dear Thampy John Sir, to this function.
Now, we would like to take this opportunity to express our hearty and cordial welcome, on my behalf and on behalf of our Entire MCMAT community, our fresh MBA aspirants or I would rather address them as future managers, to this function.
A warm and special welcome to all the dignitaries off the dais and our special invitees, for taking the time off from their busy schedule, to grace this function.  
Last but not least, a hearty welcome to all my faculty colleagues, officers and staff members of MCMAT, who has spent lot of time and efforts in coordinating this event.
 Once again I extend hearty welcome to all of you for this inaugural function 8th Batch of MBA programme and the inauguration of MCMAT Management Orientation Programme 2013.

God Bless you all…& God Bless MCMAT


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