My Purpose

"You have a duty to perform. Do anything else, do a number of things, occupy your time fully, and yet, if you do not do this task, all your time will have been wasted" - Rumi

What is the purpose of my life ? I asked this question many times to myself. More than four decades I have been living in this planet with the mercy of the ones who have been rightly identified their duty....and I should be definitely ashamed in asking this question for all these years and left with no answer. 

But I am not giving up.....Better late than still in search of an answer.  I am not sure about the results...but I have to continue my search...

Millions might have lived and died in this earth in utter disappointment without knowing their purpose. Living the whole life in pain and misery !!! Living without knowing your purpose....Living away from your Creator....Also making the life of the people around us also miserable...This is called SIN....? I don't know....

I read some where that my duty had been decided before my birth itself...True....I have been given that small pouch of 'Talents' or "Tool Kit" also to do my expected duty. But I made a small dig and kept the kit inside and covered it with soil. Because I am afraid and confused...But sad ........I forgot my purpose.....some one told me that I can ask to the one who decided my purpose....I asked.......Due to my noisy mind I couldn't hear the reply...

One thing I know and am sure.... once I know my purpose and start moving towards it.... I will be the happiest....I will not be tired of my work anymore....,'Work is love made visible' told Khalil Gibran.....

Let me continue with my day I will definitely find it......Yes... then my journey will be fruitful and beneficial to the whole universe..

Look at your eyes; they are so small, but they can see enormous things- Rumi


  1. If the journey itself is the purpose of your life then it vanishes the question....i don't believe in anything called u said, if you are in search of anything u r not one among the millions who blindly moves along with the flow....your search itself keeps u unique...anyway a good piece of writing sir.

  2. Journey is not my is a search for the light which will lead me to the purpose or mission of my life.....a search within or looking inside

    Thanks a lot Abhi...


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